Posts Tagged ‘news’
Gold mining explodes in Suriname, puts forests and people at risk
A newly released report published by the Amazon Conservation Team titled “Amazon Gold Rush: Gold Mining in Suriname” explores the rapid expansion and impacts of gold mining in Suriname through cartography and digital storytelling.
Read MoreThe Caquetá government makes history for the rights of indigenous communities
In April 2012, through the first assembly of the indigenous communities of Caquetá, the Caquetá government took a historic step toward the formalization and recognition of the rights and culture of the indigenous communities of the region.
Read MoreExpansie goudwinning te zien op nieuwe website Amazon Conservation Team
Amazon Conservation Team (ACT) heeft op 12 oktober de website “Amazon Gold Rush: Gold Mining in Suriname” gelanceerd. Op de website is informatie van verschillende bronnen bijeen gebracht om de expansie van goudwinning in Suriname te tonen. De website maakt gebruik van de laatste technieken om de informatie interactief en visueel interessant te maken. De…
Read MoreProjeto da Caixa Cultural traz a Brasília instrumentista luso-angolano Victor Gama
Victor Gama estará em Brasília a 19 de outubro para apresentar um show em que toca instrumentos peculiares criados por ele mesmo. Sua peça mais recente “3 mil Rios: vozes da Floresta “, uma ópera multimídia, vai estrear em Lisboa e Bogotá em maio de 2016, encomendado pela Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. com apoio do Teatro Colon, a Amazon Conservation Team e Flora Arts + Natura.
Read MoreVrouwen zullen zonne-energiesysteem Tepu beheren
PARAMARIBO – Dorpelingen van het inheemsendorp Pelulu Tepu leven al ruim vijftien jaar zonder energie. De lichtmotor is buiten gebruik door problemen met de aanvoer van brandstof. De 51-jarige Ana Nantawi en de 44-jarige Ketura Aparaka willen de situatie veranderen. Zij vertrekken vrijdag naar India om tot maart 2016 getraind te worden in het opzetten…
Read MoreA mitigar el cambio climático
Según el Ideam, en el 2014 el departamento del Caquetá concentró el 24.7% de la deforestación total del país, es decir unas 29.870 hectáreas en zonas clave para la biodiversidad.Paisajes Conectados en Caquetá, proyecto liderado por el Fondo Acción en alianza con Amazon Conservation Team (ACT) y la Gobernación del Caquetá.
Read MoreColombia's Yunguillo Indigenous Reserve gets big expansion
A landmark achievement was celebrated in southwest Colombia in May when the Colombian Institute for Rural Development approved the expansion of the Inga people’s Yunguillo Indigenous Reserve. ACT helped facilitate the expansion along with the Inga community, INCODER, and regional indigenous organizations.
Read More“It’s All the Same Thing”: Mark Plotkin on Preserving the Amazon
In a beautiful new 2-minute film, ethnobotanist and Amazon Conservation Team co-founder Mark Plotkin explains the interconnectivity between many of today’s greatest global challenges and the Amazon rainforest.
Read MoreYunguillo tardó tres décadas para cumplir su sueño
Indígenas Inga lograron extender su territorio ancestral en 22 mil hectáreas. En 2013, recibieron la ayuda de Amazon Conservation Team (ACT), organización con sede en Virginia (Estados Unidos) que trabaja hace más de 20 años con indígenas en la Amazonia colombiana y en las cuencas de los ríos Caquetá y Putumayo.
Read MoreGlobal Forest Watch User Profile: Rudo Kemper
Rudo Kemper, ACT’s GIS & Web Development Coordinator, was featured as User of the Week on the Global Forest Watch website. Click to read the article and learn about our cartography and participatory mapping work in Suriname!
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