News Releases
Let There Be Light: ACT and Barefoot College partner to bring solar energy to indigenous villages in Suriname
ACT Suriname is partnering with the Barefoot College in the Solar Engineering Training Program. Through this program, two indigenous Trio women from Tepu will complete a six-month training in India from October 2015 – March 2016. Solar energy in the villages will provide communities with a clean and more reliable source of energy.
Continue »ACT Raises $35,000 for The Trio Indian Shaman’s Encyclopedia
In May 2015, ACT President Dr. Mark Plotkin asked our supporters to donate to a unique project in honor of his 60th birthday.
The project—to create the Trio Indian Shaman’s Encyclopedia—is the capstone on the work Mark began with the Trio people more than 30 years ago and will serve as a guide for tribal peoples throughout the Amazon seeking to protect oral shamanic knowledge.
Continue »In July, DigitalGlobe honored ACT with the Seeing a Better World Award. ACT has received complimentary imagery from the company since January 2014, allowing for drastically improved monitoring and protection of large swaths of rainforest. These images are an incredible gift that allow us to be on the forefront of satellite mapping for conservation.
Continue »The Amazon Conservation Team welcomes actor and environmentalist Ed Begley, Jr. to its Advisory Board. Though still widely beloved for…
Continue »A New Partnership in Suriname
In the remote forests of Suriname, ACT is collaborating with students from the University of Utrecht (The Netherlands), the Anton de Kom University (Suriname) and Suriname’s Institute for Natural resources to protect biodiversity in Trio and Wayana lands. Through this partnership, both students and ACT’s Indigenous Park Guards (IPGs) will gain important skills.
Continue »Art & Conservation: A Unique Meeting of Future Leaders of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
From May 13-15, 2015 in Colombia, the Amazon Conservation Team (ACT), the Organización Gonawindúa Tayrona (OGT) which represents the Kogi people, and renowned Colombian artist Pedro Ruiz collaborated on a workshop designed to teach children the value of their territory and of partnerships between communities.
Continue »On May 5, 2015, ACT and its indigenous partners celebrated a historic event for the Colombian indigenous movement. After 20 years of diligent work, the Yunguillo Indigenous Reserve—an area of extraordinary cultural and environmental importance—expands from 10,675 to 55,341 acres (more than 85 square miles). Read the press release to learn more about ACT’s work in this area, as well as why this territory is so critical.
Continue »In March, representatives from ACT and a team of indigenous people prepared a booth in the form of a traditional hut for the Children’s Book Festival in Suriname’s capital city, Paramaribo. ACT’s festival theme is “A Journey to South Suriname. For the occasion, ACT brought a Trio storyteller from the indigenous village of Kwamalasamutu whose knowledge of traditional medicine is renowned.
Continue »The Green Education Kit Arrives in Kwamalasamutu
On March 11, 2015, ACT’s Katia Delvoye delivered a green education kit to a public school in the remote Surinamese indigenous village of Kwamalasamutu. The kit contains lesson plans and their related materials, including books about nature and the environment in Suriname.
Continue »The ACT Rainforest Plant Guide for Children
In March, ACT Education and Outreach Coordinator Katia Delvoye delivered ACT Suriname’s newest publication, “My Plants,” to public schools in Suriname’s interior. During her visit to the villages of Apetina and Kwamalasamutu, Katia distributed this second book in the Junior Park Ranger series and its accompanying poster and educational materials. The book covers the names and uses of local plants.
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